Shinola Chase Design 06


Bringing to life the maker positioning

Shinola needed to bring to life their maker positioning as a product, lifestyle and, most importantly, a skill and job creator. By developing a design based on the location’s host city–by uniting existing spaces, architecture, brand story, and community–JGA created the foundation on which to build Shinola’s unique and evocative consumer experience.

Rich experiences are played up throughout the space to connect customer to studio in an authentic and memorable way. The band bar and monogramming station are examples of such connecting points. Full glass windows and display cases show off options for customers to choose from while also providing a glimpse into Shinola’s meticulous process and their quality products. The final design is a highly flexible and modular solution consistent with the evolving and changing nature of Shinola’s product platform. 

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“Here is the space where we can talk about our design methodology and segmented approach. Explain the thinking behind the experience we created. Here is the space where we can talk about our design methodology and segmented approach. Explain the thinking behind the experience we created.”

Shinola storefront
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Accessibility mode:

Making a website accessible is crucial to provide equal access and equal opportunities to people with diverse abilities. In today's digital age, the web has become an essential resource in various aspects of life, such as education, employment, commerce, healthcare, and recreation. By designing and developing websites that are accessible to people with disabilities, we create a more inclusive online environment.

When activated, accessibility mode will enable certain features, including pausing auto-played video content, increasing contrast, and updating the site navigation bar for easier visibility.